Sunday, August 3, 2008

Life on the Outside

So, I have been reading this book called Jesus for President.
You might want to add it to your list. It's good. Challenging. Maybe even dangerous.
All summer I have been wondering how I can wake up each Monday, drink my expensive fair trade coffee, drive in my shiny car away from my comfortable home in a good neighbourhood and then proceed to sit across from HOMELESS people and try to convey to them that Jesus loves them.
Well, if I am trying to be the body of Christ to these people what the heck am I doing living in a three bedroom two bath with a pool house on the other side of town? Why don't I sell all my possessions and join the poor and live with them every day? How can I have so much and they have so little?
These questions plague me every day. Especially on days like today when I see three guys I know from the cafe while I am coming back from a gourmet meal with my family.
One was selling papers, another was advertising for a grocery store going out of business and the other was sitting on a bench with a can of beer.
These people are all around me all the time. The only difference between my life before the cafe and my life now is that I know the people. I know names and faces and stories. There were always there before, I just didn't have eyes to see them.
Now, I know I can not sell all my possessions and move into a drama and drug infested world, single white female on her own to live among the poor... not the brightest idea I ever had.
But what should I do?
Jesus didn't live in a house or have things. He didn't even have a place to rest his head.
So if I am called to take up my cross and follow Jesus ... where exactly do I go?
People are always using vague phrases like " just follow the Lord's leading" and " pray about it, go where you feel called". Well I am pretty sure that Jesus, the Lord, lead his disciples down pretty intense road ending in persecution and martyrdom. And the entire book of James screams out to every believe to take care of the poor and the orphan and the widowed.
I'm pretty sure that's where I am called. I'm pretty sure that's where every person who follows Jesus is called.
So, the question of the summer time, college student internship: Do I separate career from ministry? Do I keep the worlds separate? Or do I let them collide? The first is easier. The latter could be dangerous.
Who do I follow, what the world tells me : have your career, keep your boundaries and have your house is the Suburbs. Or do I follow Jesus who poured his life out to other people...
Because can I really talk about poverty over a $ 30 meal ?
The more I think about it, the less possible separating the two worlds becomes.
Because if I am really loving people and respecting each face I see every day I will always know the names on the shirtless men on benches drinking a Bud. I will know why that lady stands on the corner every day and begs with her cardboard sign.
If I live how I'm supposed to those people will always have names and faces, and the worlds will always collide.

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